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A L L   M U S C L E   G I R L S

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  • Writer's pictureAll Muscle Girls

AMG talks to 19-year-old Antonia Mander


Age: 19

Weight: Competition - 51kg. Offseason - 57kg.

Height: 5ft 5

When did you first start training and what/who inspired you to build muscle?

I first started weight training properly around 18 months ago, I’ve always been really sporty, I played in most of the school teams and used to be a competitive figure skater too. I suffered with anorexia from the age of 12 for 5 years and had a strong desire to stay skinny, leading to countless hours spent on the treadmill. Then one day a switch flicked in my head and I told myself I had to get my act together, so I started trying to gain weight. I stopped cardio and started weight training in order to build shape and the rest is history.

What motivates you to train harder?

Knowing that I want to beat last seasons physique, and placings motivates me the most. My log book also helps to motivate me especially during sessions, I always try to improve on my previous sessions lifts either by increasing the weight or pushing out a few extra reps.

When did you start to notice you were gaining muscle?

It wasn’t until during prep that I noticed that I’d gained muscle. I used to be very skinny with not much muscle mass, but due to a pretty slow metabolism and increasing my food too quickly I put on weight (mostly fat) quite fast so it was difficult to see whether I’d gained much muscle.

What’s your training regime?

At the moment I’m following a 2 day split. (Upper, Lower, Rest). This allows me to train frequently whilst keeping intensity high. I also try to hit around 10k steps a day, I’m currently not doing any formal cardio.

What’s your approach to nutrition?

I try to stay accountable throughout prep and offseason, by sticking to a meal plan which my coach sets. I am naturally a creature of habit, I enjoy eating the same things every day and sticking to a set routine.

During prep I don’t tend to deviate from my set meals or timings. I eat 5 meals a day which I consume every 3-4hours.

During offseason I do have a slightly more flexible approach and play around with food sources/ macros if I’m craving something. At the moment I’m having 1 cheat meal a week, which is normally at the weekend. I’m eating 5/6 meals a day and still try to eat every 3-4 hours. Just I’m not as regimented with timings.

What’s your favourite body part to train and why?

Probably Shoulders, as you definitely can’t beat a good shoulder pump.

Congratulations for placing 6th at the UKBFF British Finals! How did that feel?

Honestly words can’t describe how amazing it felt. It was my second ever competition, my first being just 2 weeks before so I didn’t have any expectations other than to enjoy myself. To come away with a top 6 placing felt so surreal.

Where do you see yourself in a year’s time?

Hopefully this time next year I would have competed in my first international show, which will be the Arnolds in September. I’d also love to beat last years placing at the British Finals. Either way I want step on stage having blown last years physique out of the water.

What are your interests and hobbies outside of bodybuilding?

I love travelling, particularly around South East Asia. I’m hoping to travel to Hong Kong and Thailand before I start prep in a few months time.

Social Media Links:

Instagram: @antonia.mander

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