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Kayles Clarke: Our first interview with the 2nd Place UKBFF Kent Klassic Champ!

Updated: Jan 2, 2018


Age: 26

Weight: Stage weight 65kg / off season 80kg

Height: 5’9

When did you first start training and what/who inspired you to build muscle?

I first started weight training around 2014 when my boyfriend finally gave in and let me go train with him.

I originally wanted to get in shape just through looking at girls in shape on Instagram. Then after a bit more research in to bodybuilding I stumbled across Dana Linn Bailey and Nicole Wilkins. I decided straight away I would train to compete and that was my goal from then on.

What motivates you to train harder?

I’m motivated by not being where I want to be. Although we’re never happy, I have a clear image on what my desired physique will look like, and I’m motivated every day to train harder to achieve that. I’m also motivated by the people who support my journey, the amount of messages I receive off other females motives me to keep going.

When did you start to notice you were gaining muscle?

At the beginning of the year, towards the end off my off season I thought I’d definitely started to gain some size, although we are our own worst enemy and I still wasn’t satisfied I’d done enough.

What’s your weekly training regime?

Monday - Shoulders

Tuesday - Back

Wednesday - Quads & Glutes

Thursday - Shoulders & Chest

Friday - Back & Abs

Saturday - Rest Day / Arms

Sunday - Hamstrings

Congratulations for placing 2nd at the UKBFF Kent Classic! How did that feel?

It was the best feeling in the world. Although I knew I’d trained hard and my coach said I was ready, I never had any expectations on placing. So to walk away with second place was more than I had hoped for.

What’s your approach to nutrition?

I follow a plan from coach and I stick to that year round. Although my approach to this offseason has been slightly different as I previously kept it very basic, whereas I’m trying to enjoy my food a lot more and still keeping my diet clean.

I keep sugar to a minimum, and allow for one cheat meal a week, but I’m lenient with this through offseason and will allow myself extra treats if I want them.

What’s your favourite body part to train and why?

I enjoy training Shoulders the most at the moment, as they’re a body part I need to bring up the most. But, I absolutely love chest day too!

What are your interests outside of bodybuilding?

Outside of bodybuilding I like spend time with friends and family. I am also spending a lot of time researching in to my own business ideas for launching a clothing brand next year!

Where do you see yourself in a year’s time?

I hope to have a few more competitions under my belt, and maybe to compete in an international competition.

Social Media Links:

Instagram: @kaylesclarke

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