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We talk to the stunning UKBFF Finalist Chloe Pickford


Age: 26

Weight: Competition – 61-62kg. Offseason – 71-72kg

Height: 5ft 4

When did you first start training and what/who inspired you to build muscle?

I have always been into many sports so I have always been a competitive individual, however I have only been weight training for 18 months or so, it wasn’t until I became a personal trainer that the more muscular and athletic look became so much more appealing to me. I began to follow girls who lifted and competed, someone told me that my natural physique would suit the bodybuilding world and I had potential so I got myself a coach and the rest is history I guess. I used to be a total cardio bunny who trained legs once a week, was terrified of carbs I can safely say that’s drastically changed now.

What motivates you to train harder?

The fact I am improving so much each competition, so it spurs me on each time to keep pushing, my body has changed so much in a year and so has my mindset bodybuilding has saved me. I have always promised myself that I will keep going until I reach my full potential.

When did you start to notice you were gaining muscle?

I gain muscle quite fast it seems, within 2 months of weight training there was a big difference in my physique. However I find that it isn’t until you diet down through prep that you notice the gains you’ve made, yes you may look bigger in offseason but the definition isn’t apparent so it can be hard to see the growth 100% clear through all the ‘fluff’!

What is your weekly regime?

Training wise I am on a 3 day on 1 day off split (push, pull, legs) it works well for me but no doubt it will change in months to come. Having a split like this means the frequency is there for all muscle groups. I have a 10k step count to hit and on rest days 35 mins of cardio, pretty easy really, the inner cardio bunny comes out in me at times, most dread cardio I definitely don’t !

Whats your approach to nutrition?

Don’t over analyse it, I know counting macros isn’t for everyone, honestly if you are smashing the gym and being consistent you have nothing to be concerned about its calories in vs calories out at the end of the day- if you aren’t in a surplus you won’t gain weight it is simple as that. Personally I stay accountable all year round, my coach sets my diet for prep and offseason, I am currently allowed one cheat a week on a leg day preferably, my calories have been steadily increasing since the Finals in October. My body responds to food both ways if I eat crap I look like crap and vice versa! You are what you eat I believe!

Whats your favourite body to train and why?

Gosh that’s a hard one to answer sometimes it depends how I am feeling but I think it has to be shoulders and especially in prep when the veins are seriously popping!

Congratulations for placing 5th at the UKBFF British Finals! How did that feel?

Absolutely amazing and even more so because I beat my placing from the 2016 finals. The line up was so strong I was up against some insane physiques which made it even more satisfying! Of course I am aiming for a higher placing that’s a goal of mine for this years season!

What are your interests and hobbies outside of bodybuilding?

I love to horse ride, I used to compete very seriously at it too, some may say it’s the reason my quads are so developed.

Where do you see yourself in a years time?

In a years time I would have competed internationally, I have the Arnolds in Barcelona this year in September, I cannot wait it will be the biggest challenge yet for me I think! I guess I want to be a bigger and better athlete in a years time!

Social Media Links

Instagram: @cpt_fitness_

Facebook: CPT Fitness

Twitter: @cpt_fitness_

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