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Hannah Dunn talks with AMG Blog


Age: 26

Weight: Competition - 51kg. Offseason - 55kg

Height: 5ft 3

When did you first start training and what/who inspired you to build muscle?

I first started properly training in terms of weights about a year and a half ago. I set out initially just to lose a bit of weight and then fell in love with training. I had never even thought about competing until someone stopped me in the gym and said I should and how much my physique had improved. Now what inspires me and keeps me going is seeing the improvements I am making in terms of both strength and physique.

What motivates you to train harder?

The results and my other half. I used to start a set with a set number of reps in mind based on a plan I was following, now I make sure I push as hard as I can in every set. I’m always asking myself, have I got more in me?

I like the feeling of exhausting myself and that no one else in the gym is pushing themselves quite as hard as me. Keeping a log book also motivates me to train harder because every session I’m trying to match of beat the previous sessions weights/reps.

When did you start to notice you were gaining muscle?

I started to notice really when I started to lose weight. About sort of 3 months into training. I wasn’t noticing huge changes but the small signs of muscle were showing and that made me push harder to see where I could take my body.

What’s your weekly training regime?

Monday - Legs (quad focus)

Tuesday - Shoulders and triceps

Wednesday - Legs (glute and hammie focus)

Thursday - Rest

Friday - Back and biceps

Saturday - Legs (full)

Sunday - Rest

What’s your approach to nutrition?

During prep obviously I am very strict with both my food and the timing of intake. Carbs drop very slowly but remain high around training. Protein stays relatively consistent and I’m eating every 3 to 4 hours.

During off season I like to give my body a compete rest from the same meals day in day out so I am much more relaxed. I tend to macro track so I can have a wider variety of foods at the same time as getting in the nutrients I need to fuel my training and progression. Carbs are higher and in most meals especially pre and post training and I still eat 5-6 meals per day to keep my metabolism ticking over. If I want something, I have it. My take on it as that I've been disciplined for 4 months of the year for comp, this I now the time to enjoy myself and make the most of social occasions again.

What’s your favourite body part to train and why?

I love to train legs. I love the feeling of shifting heavy weights and pushing my body to exhaustion and I get this the most on a leg day. Plus these are the muscle gains I appreciate the most.

How was your competition experience?

My competition experience both years was amazing. I’d built it up in my head to be quite intimidating but it was such a friendly environment. Everyone is back stage sharing their jam and rice cakes, getting excited and taking photos. I actually met some incredible girls that I am still in contact with now. Both years I was in very large group of girls which made being on stage less scary because you can tell yourself no one is looking at you, this obviously meant competition was tougher but that’s what it is all about. The best bit about competition day is the post show food ;)

What are your hobbies and interests outside of bodybuilding?

I enjoy going to watch strongman competitions, we try to get to about three per year.

Where do you see yourself in a year’s time?

I'd like to get another few competitions under my belt this year. I have moved up from bikini to wellness and now I’m making the jump to bodyfitness which is super exciting. It just means I can really push to gain some more size and experience another stage of my bodybuilding future.

Social Media Links:

Instagram: Hannahlcdunn


Twitter: Hannah_dunn91

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